Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Update on the month so far

We got to attend Sheldon's cousin Racey's wedding up in Idaho. Man, was that a long drive! It was worth it though. Surprisingly Abbie was awake the whole time watching movies. Nixxon slept, no big surprise there. Their wedding was beautiful and it was great seeing family! Thanks for inviting us guys.

Sheldon and I got callings in church and I am so excited for mine! Sheldon got called to be a primary teacher for the 8 year olds, and he is nervous but ok with it. My calling, drum roll please....... I am the assistant primary chorister! The funny thing is when I was a little girl I wanted to be the chorister so bad. I guess now I finally got my wish! I will be leading the nursery and the junior primary. When I got the calling all the memories came back of when I was little all the fun games and songs. Can't wait to start and show the kids how much fun it is.

The pigs have come to visit in the Hunt family. Thankful not ours but Sheldon's cousin is in the hospital with H1N1 and pneumonia. It is truly a scare and I know he is where he needs to be to get the best care possible. Our hearts are with his adorable wife and family. Hope you get better soon Dusty!

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