Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Biting and the toilet

With the title you are probably thinking what? These are two new things Abbie learned about, you will have to read on to understand.

Abbie is at the stage of biting and man does it hurt! When ever she doesn't want to do something, she hurts, or what not she goes to what ever is the closest to her, sometimes it a person or just herself, and she just bites down. Today she got mad over not being able to play with something and as I was giving her her little phone she reached for the gate to bite down and bit her tongue. Looking at me and crying she then turned to the gate again and keep biting it. Oh boy, we have quiet a little stinker on our hands.

Now we are getting to the funny storey, the toilet. I know my side of the family will understand and just laugh, so I guess I will have to explain. When I was little I was afraid of the toilet because I though when I flushed it a monster would come out and get me. I would either flush it and run or flush it and stand on the top. I was really weird I admit. Any ways, Abbie doesn't touch anything but the handle. When I am in the bathroom doing my hair or cleaning she just stands by the handle and flushes the toilet every couple of minutes. The funniest thing I saw was today we were in the bathroom getting ready for the day and she flushed the toilet. She laughed and clapped her hands. When I was cleaning the toilet and going to flush it she was so upset. She did this for quiet a while.

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