Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wow Look at me.... Mom

Nixxon is always full of energy and is playful. This morning I put both kids in the car to move it so Sheldon could get out. As I was putting Abbie in her car seat I usually let Nixxon play as if he was driving, probably not anymore. When I went around to get him out of the front he was determined on not moving. He had the steering wheel tight in his grasp. I tried to get him to get out of the front but he wouldn't budge. He jumped and hit his head on the windshield. I noticed the windshield move up and then back into place. I looked at Nixxon and asked if he was okay. He didn't cry or anything he just looked at me like what was that. I checked his head and everything but nothing. I got into the car to go over to my mother's. When I got in to my surprise I found this.

I took him to the doctors to make sure everything was normal still. He was surprised to see the damage and yet Nixxon being fine. He even said he would never want to get in a fight with him.

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