Friday, April 24, 2009

Not exactly what people were expecting

I found out that one of my mother's good friends, and a friend to our family, was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor in her brain. I went on her blog to read what was going on, it is, and my heart goes out to her and her family! Jodi has such a loving heart and there isn't anyone she comes in contact with that doesn't like her. She worked with my mother and inturn became good friends with our family. We shortly found out how wonderful she really is. This such a great person and is so strong!

Another person with such a great heart came to mind. His name is Briggs Hill. I work with his grandmother and so he would come in and visit sometimes with his big brother. We got the news in November that he was diagnosed with a tumer and was going to be staying at Primary Childrens. His mother won't leave his side. Our hearts and love go out to him and his family. He is still fighting this and you can read more about him at look up Briggs Hill or and to donate if you wish to help the family.

All I could do is sit there and feel some of the pain and sorrow. The families that go through things like this have quiet a hard time dealing and yet I feel that have so much strength to deal with this and for the people going through this personally. To tell ya the truth, I don't know if I could go through it having my child being the one going through this or having a spouse with young kids. I know how hard it is having a parent with this. Unfortuntatly my step-dad didn't make it through to be with us. It was really a hard ordeal especially for my little brother which was really young at the time, and my mother. I don't think I would come out the way they have if it were Abbie or Sheldon.

These families are going through so much and if we can keep this wonderful families and people in our thoughts and prayers we know they will benefit from it.

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