Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mommy to the rescue!

Even when you get married you still need your mother! I find myself calling my mom for advice on things and help. So here is the story behind the picture. I admit, I am scared of spiders but I am able to kill them myself. I found this spider in the bathroom in the corner and if you look close at it you can easily tell what kind of spider it is (Brown Recluse). Call me weird but I wanted to make sure what I was dealing with specially with having Abbie around I get nervous because she isn't afraid of anything yet. Well I didn't want to try and kill it unless I could get it dead on and make sure it was a goner. I couldn't get a good hit seeing how it was in a little corner, so I called my mom to see if they had a spray or something. My mom came right over with a spray and even helped me get the bugger. I would have asked Sheldon but poor thing was not feeling well so I sent him right up to bed. I am so thankful for my mom and always being there when ever I need something. I can only hope I can return the favors she has always done for me. I love you mom!!

1 comment:

Tyson and Emily said...

I'm scared of spiders too!! I dont' know how to kill them though. haha. I'm pretty sure that I'll never be able to either!!