Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I swear somethings just like to come my way just to see how I handle it. I have been trying to get things done both at our house and the place we are moving to and it just seems never ending. Sheldon's parents are so wonderful and letting us move into their basement apartment to save more money for a down payment on a house. I just hate packing everything and plus I can't do too much lifting anyways with being pregnant and all. It just feels like I am helpless with everything and always having to ask for help. I totally hate that because I am so independent.

Another thing on our list is getting ready for this wonderful baby boy. I am so excited for him to come and so I have been getting ready for things so I don't have to worry about them last minute. I work part time to help with benefits so we wouldn't have to worry about doctor visits or prescriptions. Well, while being part time I do get maternaty leave but if I don't have enough PTO then I have to pay for the benefits out of pocket. I was told by one of the people in the FMLA department that I would be able to stretch my PTO so it would just pay for my benefits and not get a pay check, which I would be happy with. Now that I am getting closer I called to see who I needed to talk to about paying for the rest of the benefits and they told me I had to use my PTO to be up to my budgeted hours. I wish people would be on the same page so it wouldn't frustrate people like me! That is all we need right now is to be stressed over something else. So now I have to wait for my manager and the head of the insurance dept to figure out what I need to do now and go from there. I guess one good thing from it is I don't have to pay for everything up front.

Thanks for letting me vent! I am just glad we have such a wonderful family, both my family and Sheldon's that helps us and supports us if/when we need it. Besides I don't think I would be able to do what I do or anything without the support of Sheldon.

On a happier note...
- We will be able to move in by the middle of August! We are so happy it is before I get too big and before the baby comes.
- Sheldon has picked a name for Little Brother. So from now on, unless he picks a different name, he will be known as Nixon Cameron Hunt.

1 comment:

Tyson and Emily said...

hang in there!! It'll work out great! and I love the name!! super cute!1 :)