Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Little brother's update

I went to the doctor and everything is going along just great. He is still a he, that is good news, and is growing right on schedule. He moves so much but seems so small at the same time. We get to have a 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks so that should be cool, even though they tend to look like little aliens. Then next month I have to do the glucose test, and man I am glad I don't have to drink that nasty stuff. All I have to do is drink 8oz of regular soda or orange juice along with a candy bar. That will be a breeze compared to the other.


Tyson and Emily said...

yay!! so exciting!! Have you guys thought of names yet??

Laurel said...

that will be fun to see the 3d ultrasound! i failed my candy bar and soda test so I ended up drinking the stuff anyways... hope you don't! good luck!

Melissa Post said...

I'm glad you keep you blog up to date, I had no idea Angie had surgery, I hope she is doing well. Also where are you moving to? I hope all goes well!