Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

I forgot to charge the camera so there aren't any pictures, sorry. We went up to Mantua to have a fun long weekend get together with the family, and for everyone to ride the 4-wheeler and the motor cycles. We went up Friday night when Sheldon got off work and we decided to take the Jeep so we could help haul one of the trailors home. Little did I know that Sheldon had another purpose for taking the Jeep. He wanted me and Abbie to be about to ride on the trails and see some of the fun things up there. Sheldon is so thoughtful and sweet! It was a good thing too because with Angie's surgery she would be about to go either. Abbie had a blast playing in the snow up there and going for rides. Saturday night we came home so we could go to Eric's homecoming (a special sacrament meeting when a missionary comes home) becuase it was early in the morning. Sheldon ended up getting sick in the morning, so Abbie and I went. We waited until Sheldon felt better then headed right back up. We were able to squeeze in one more ride before we came back home on Monday, and man did the Jeep get MUDDY! We had so much fun and I can't wait until we can go camping again!

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